Sunday, December 21, 2008

Тэнгэрийн хаяа бараантан дэлхий ертөнц надтай адил тавгүй байгаа гэлтэй зэврүүн харагдана. Тэртээ үүлсийн завсараар орон алга болох сон. Хэрвээ тэгэж чаддаг байсан бол аль хэдийн нисчихсэн байх байсан биз. Дураараа, чөлөөтэй, өөрийнхөөрөө…

Нисээд л, усны мандал зүсэн шумбан дүүлээд л, модны навч хуйлруулан дэвээд л, хэнд ч баригдахгүй, бас харагдахгүй, хаана ч буухгүй, бас тогтохгүй зөвхөн өөрийнхөөрөө тэнгэрийн хаяаг ширтэн нисээд л … Тахиа надад атаархан тэртээ дор донгодоод л… Харин би хараацайтай уралдан сүлжилдээд л… Дээшээ, бүр дээшээ, одоо чигээрээ, тэгээд баруун тийшээ, өшөө хурдан, бүр дээшээ… дээшээ, зүүн тийш ээ, одоо жаахан доошоо…. Ниссээр, дүүлсээр, шуугисаар, шуурсаар….

Газрын хязгаар, тэнгэрийн хаяа, зүүдэн заадас, мөрөөдлийн диваажин хүртэл яаран ниссээр, дүүлсээр, дэвсээр… Хайр луу тэмүүлэн бүх хүчээрээ тэмүүлсээр…. Тэртээ алсад хөвөх үүлсийг зүсэн, дээрээс нь доош шумбасаар….

Яг л ингэж эрх чөлөөтэйгээр амьдрах өдөр ирсэн юм шиг байна. Яах эсэхээ сайн мэдэхгүй ч би бол салхи… Салхийг хэн ч барихгүй бас харахгүй, зөвхөн мэдрэнэ. Хацрыг чинь илбэн, үсийг чинь сэвэлзүүлэн, хормойг чинь дэрвүүлнэ. Тэгэж л чи намайг хажуудаа байгааг мэдрэнэ. Харин би чамайг харна, дагана, үнсэнэ. Чи зөвхөн мэдрэнэ. Би үхсэн ч чамайг дагаад л, чиний эргэн тойронд байх болно. Чиний гараараа хүрдэг бүх зүйлтэй, орон гэрт чинь хүртэл цонх хаалттай ч завсраар нь би орох л болно. Би бол салхи. Өөрийнхөөрөө, дураараа, зоргоороо, эрх чөлөөтэйгээр чамайг л гэсэн би бол салхи. Хэрвээ би хүн болж чадах байсан бол, бас өөрийнхөө хэлбэрийг хүн шиг болгож чадах байсан бол чамд өөрт байгаа бүхнээ өгөх байсан. Чамд л гэж цаг гаргаж, чамд л гэж гараа гаргаж, чамд л гэж сэтгэл гаргаж, чамд л гэж зүрх гаргаж, чамд л гэж хайр гаргаж, чамд л гэж өөрийгөө золино. Би махан бие, цусан судлаас бүтсэн эгэл жирийн хүн. Зүрхнээс гарах хатуу, ширүүн, зэвүүн, хэрцгий зан араншингаа дарах гэж үйл тамаа цайж байгаа эгэл жирийн хүн, гэхдээ салхи. Би үхсэн юм чинь би салхи. Би үхсэн…. салхи болсон. Алсран одох харгуй хүртэл нэг л замтай нийлдэгтэй адил би ч ялгаагүй нэг л хүнтэй нэгдэх нь тодорхой.

Өнөөдөр гадаа бас л хүйтэн салхитай, зэврүүндүү өдөр байна. Орчлонд хүн ганц, хайр ганц, сэтгэл ганц, хүсэл ганц, салхи ч бас ганц. Магадгүй олон газар салхитай байвал салхи олон гэж хэлэх хүн гарч магадгүй. Гэхдээ миний хувьд салхи хэзээд ганц. Гагцхүү тэр ганц салхи олон газар янз янзаар үлээх олон ааштай төдий.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Savings are no longer about piggy banks. This takes your child to the bank & initiates him into the art of saving…

Money! How you wish you didn’t have to slog day after day for that salary slip at the end of the month. How you wish money grew on trees after all. Imagine life without the paranoia of where the funds for your child’s education or marriage will come from. Without a care in the world about saving for a rainy day, or that emergency, god forbids. And, every time you land yourself in a financial mess, how you wish your parents had taught you the basics of saving… Well, are you teaching your kids?


Don’t rule out the good old piggy bank yet. It has own fascination. Remember the joy of slipping little coins into the slit back and breaking it with bravado when you wanted to buy that surprise gift for your parents’ wedding anniversary.

There are numerous piggy possibilities. If your child is too young, buy him an attractive piggy bank; they come in various shapes and sizes. Some resemble cartoon characters, some look like iron chests, complete key or code. Keep it on your child’s table and every time grandpa gives him a tenner to buy a chocolate, encourage him ti put it in the bank instead. Tell him a chocolate wouyld melt in his mouth and be done with, but if he saves enough money, he can buy that Pokemon satchel he so craves. If it is a terracotta bank, you can only break it, but there are those that come with locks and keys. Spend a Sunday afternoon with your kid counting out the loot. Watch out for the super glossy shine his eyes take on when he realizes he’s saved enough for the latest Harry Potter book. It’s worth it.


Once upon a time, opening a bank account for a minor was a huge hassle. These days, however, most banks offer interesting schemes for children. But before you begin, remember you can open an account only if you are a parent or legal guardian of the child. You can’t open one for your niece, nephew or friend’s kid. Also, the account will be in child’s name but you will officially represent him/her for all purposes.


The first step is to choose a bank smartly. Don’t pick a bank located far away from where you live, for the inconvenience of driving that far on weekend will definitely put you off sooner or later. There has to be a trusted bank in your neighborhood, pick that one.

Then decide how much you want to set aside for your child each month, perhaps, based on how much you would need to invest in his education. Don’t stretch yourself; the monthly allocation should fit happily in your budget. Most banks offer interesting schemes that range from a minimum monthly deposit to links to your account, even investment in equity and mutual funds, insurance protection and ATM/debit cards.

Remember you will need a minimum amount to open the account; it could range from MNT 15,500 – MNT 155,000. If you are opting for an ATM/debit card for your child, you will probably have to maintain a minimum balance as well. Check all this before signing on the dotted line.

Check These Facts:

  • Can you link your child’s account with yours?
  • Can the bank debit the monthly allocation directly from your account? Are there any minimum balances or charges involved for direct debit?
  • Does the bank offer an ATM/debit card to minors? Is there a monthly withdrawal limit? Choose one with a low limit.
  • If your child signing up for an ATM/debit card, will your bank provide SMS alert? This is important bcoz every time he transacts , you get a SMS alert.
  • Will the bank send you monthly/quarterly/annual statements?
  • Does the bank offer education/accident/insurance cover?
  • Is there an option of investing in mutual funds or debt/equity funds?


Think of the day when your child has turned 18 and gained admission into a prestigious institute and you find out that you have to shell out MNT 12,400,000 for his admission. If you start saving early, that amount will not daunt you. Saving not only prepares you for tomorrows, but also makes tomorrows a cakewalk. However, the biggest benefit of getting your child to save is to teach him the value of money and the art of saving. Explain the benefits to him. Sit with him and ask him how much of his pocket money he wants to set aside; tell him how money grows through earned interest. Depending on his spending habits, decide whether you want to give him an ATM/debit card; if you do, teach him how to use it sparingly. If he is old enough, explain to him the benefits of mutual funds. Who know you may have an entrepreneur in making?

If you begin early, your child will soon learn to be independent and appreciate the value of money. And like you, he will never land himself in a financial mess bcoz he would know how to handle money well. After all, money doesn’t really grow on trees!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What is Fashion?

For centuries individuals or societies have used clothes and other body adornment as a form of nonverbal communication to indicate occupation, rank, gender, sexual availability, locality, class, wealth and group affiliation. Fashion is a form of free speech. It not only embraces clothing, but also accessories, jewelry, hairstyles, beauty and body art. What we wear and how and when we wear it, provides others with shorthand to subtly read the surface of a social situation.

Fashion is also a language of signs, symbols and iconography that non-verbally communicate meanings about individuals and groups. Fashion in all its forms from tattoos and body piercing, to the newest hairstyle, is the best form of iconography we have to express individual identity. It enables us to make ourselves understood with rapid comprehension by the onlooker. How we perceive the beauty or ugliness of our bodies is dependent on cultural attitudes to physiognomy. The accepted beautiful female form that Rubens painted is subliminally undesirable nowadays, if we are to be thought beautiful in a way that the majority accepts in the 21st century. We now look to fashion magazines, fashion designers, fashion models, celebrities and even clothing shop windows to give us an idea of what the fashion trend is and how we should look.

Today an inability to refashion and reshape our bodies constantly monitoring the cultural ideal leaves us failing the fashion test. Those that pass the fashion test invariably spend their lives absorbed in a circle of diet, exercise, cosmetic surgery and other regimes. This includes always shopping in search of the ultimate garb.

Our reluctance to give ourselves a regular makeover through diet, exercise, and consistently conscious use of specific dress styles infers that we have the personality flaws of a weak willed human. We become in the eyes of fashion aficionados somewhat inadequate and imperfect in the fashion stakes. Thus we strive to keep a culturally satisfying appearance so that we feel better, whereas in fact we are striving to stay in the group, whatever type of group that may be.

Group affiliation is our prime concern with regard to fashion. As long as some group similarity is identified within the group, our personal fashion whether current or dated can belong. It is the sense of belonging marked by how we fashion ourselves that gives us that group connection.

The 3 rules of fashion;
First - a fashion is approved by others.
Then - it is copied because of competition.
Finally - it is replaced as it becomes commonplace and has ceased to fulfill its function of being distinctive.

Fashion Fact Currently in the United States fashion is a huge industry with well over 970,000 employees and with an annual turnover of 36 billion.

Monday, January 29, 2007


by: Rabindranath Tagore

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times...
In life after life, in age after age, forever.
My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs,
That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms,
In life after life, in age after age, forever.

Whenever I hear old chronicles of love, it's age old pain,
It's ancient tale of being apart or together.
As I stare on and on into the past, in the end you emerge,
Clad in the light of a pole-star, piercing the darkness of time.
You become an image of what is remembered forever.

You and I have floated here on the stream that brings from the fount.
At the heart of time, love of one for another.
We have played along side millions of lovers,
Shared in the same shy sweetness of meeting,
the distressful tears of farewell,
Old love but in shapes that renew and renew forever.

Is love supposed to be a mere romantic feeling & fantasy? Does love cause delay in our achievement & ambition? Or it could be interpreted in different way??

Is it really love?
or is it just a passing feeling
am I not convinced?
a bit uncertain of the feeling

Is it the way you make me feel?
so warm with joy and laughter
or could it be the happiness
from moments spent together

The lasting bliss, the kiss I miss,
The sweetest thoughts without a touch
The heart that hurts and bears a scar
thinking how far away you are

You're on my mind most of the day
And at night I go to bed and pray
An angel soft and gentle as you
Would make my sweetest dreams come true

Thinking about you alone or in class
Writing your name on my bathroom window glass
Wishing you were here
To love hold and care
Wishing I had you with me
To cherish and to stare

Into your soft and beautiful eyes
As we both travel to the skies
And mingle with the stars above
But is it really love?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Does the Distance keep the Hearts fonder??

"To My Dear and Loving Husband"
Anne Bradstreet (1678)

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man loved by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee, give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay,
The heavens reward thee manifold, i pray.
Then while we live, in love let's so persevere
That when we live no more, we may live ever...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Present Taj Mahal in the page of History;
An immense mausoleum of white marble, built in Agra between 1631 and 1648 by order of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife, the Taj Mahal is the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage.

Dictionary: Mo·gul (mō'gəl, mō-gŭl') n. also Mo·ghul (mʊ-gŭl', mō-) or Mu·ghal (mū-gŭl')
- A member of the force that under Baber conquered India in 1526.
- A member of the Muslim dynasty founded by Baber that ruled India til 1857.
- A Mongol or Mongolian.
mogul A very rich or powerful person; a magnate.[Persian and Arabic muġul, from Mongolian Mo[ndot]gul.]

The Mughal Empire, (Persian: Gurkānī, which was also the self-designation of the Timurids in Central Asia and Khorasan) was an empire that at its greatest territorial extent ruled most of the Indian subcontinent, then known as Hindustan, and parts of what is now Afghanistan and the Balochistan

In the early 16th century, Muslim armies consisting of Mongol, Turkic, Persian, and Afghan warriors invaded India under the leadership of the Timurid prince Zahir-ud-Din-Muhammad Babur. Babur was
the great-grandson of Central Asian conqueror Timur-e Lang (Timur the Lame, from which the Western name Tamerlane is derived), who had invaded India in 1398 before retiring to Samarkand who himself claimed descent from the Mongol ruler, Genghis Khan(Chinggis Khaan). Babur was driven
from Samarkand by the Uzbeks and initially established his rule in Kabul in 1504. It was established in 1526, enjoyed expansion and consolidation until about 1707 and survived, even if in drastically
attenuated form, until 1857. The empire was founded by the Timurid leader Babur in 1526, when he defeated Ibrahim Lodi, the last of the Delhi Sultans at the First Battle of Panipat.

Mughal is the Persian word for Mongol, and was generally used to refer to Central Asian nomads who
claimed descent from the Mongol warriors of Genghis Khan.
The Mughal rulers were adherents of Islam.

The territory was largely conquered by the Pashtun Sher Shah Suri during the time of Humayun, the second Mughal ruler, but under Akbar the Great it grew considerably, and continued to grow until the
end of Aurangzeb's rule. Jahangir, the son of Mughal Emperor Akbar and Rajput princess Mariam-uz-Zamani, ruled the empire from 1605–1627. In October 1627, Shah Jahan, the son of Mughal Emperor Jahangir and Rajput princess Manmati, succeeded to the throne, where he inherited a vast
and rich empire in India; and at mid-century this was perhaps the greatest empire in the world.

Shah Jahan commissioned the famous Taj Mahal (between 1630–1653), in Agra as a tomb for his wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died giving birth to their 14th child.

By 1710, the empire had reached its zenith with a territory spanning over 750 million acres.

Babur, a seasoned military commander, entered India in 1526 with his well-trained veteran army of 12,000 to meet the sultan's huge but unwieldy and disunited force of more than 100,000 men. Babur defeated the Lodhi sultan decisively at the first Battle of Panipat. Employing gun carts, moveable
artillery, superior cavalry tactics, and the highly regarded Mughal composite bow, a weapon even more powerful than the English longbow of the same period. Babur achieved a resounding victory and the Sultan was killed. A year later (1527) he decisively defeated, at the Battle of Khanwa, a Rajput
confederacy led by Rana Pratap Singh of Chittor. A third major battle was fought in 1529 when, at the battle of Gogra, Babur routed the joint forces of Afghans and the sultan of Bengal. Babur died in 1530
at Agra before he could consolidate his military gains. During his short five-year reign, Babur took considerable interest in erecting buildings, though few have survived. He left behind as his chief legacy a set of descendants who would fulfill his dream of establishing an empire in the Indian

According to the document available in the State Library of Bhopal, Babur left the following will to Humayun:
"My son take note of the following: Do not harbour religious prejudice in your heart. You should
dispense justice while taking note of the people's religious sensitivities, and rites. Avoid slaughtering
cows in order that you could gain a place in the heart of natives. This will take you nearer to the
Do not demolish or damage places of worship of any faith and dispense full justice to all to ensure
peace in the country. Islam can better be preached by the sword of love and affection, rather than the
sword of tyranny and persecution. Avoid the differences between the shias and sunnis. Look at the
various characteristics of your people just as characteristics of various seasons."


My mama has always reminded me over the phone to visit & see those wonderful sightseeing places in India during my vacation. And it was my dreams to visit one of the Seven Wonders in the World of the time, namely, Taj Mahal. Last periods while being in India, i couldn't get a perfect chance to make my dream come true. Actualy it was one of my scheduled work on my mind for which the exact time wasn't surely pointed out.

One day, i mentioned about it one of my caring best friends- Deeki, she directly accepted it & promised me that would work out. Even she already had been there, she didn't hesitate about my wish. How sweet friends are surrounding me...^^

Then last month, she, her friend & me joined a tour group- our classmate, Justin's friends- to Taj Mahal, Agra. With mercy by Heaven, everything was going smoothly, there was any holdback. I'd like to note here that the group friends was great all together and it made our trip more excellent. Trip was well-organized with friendly-warm atmosphere. They were a whole rich family everyone was there ready to help each other anytime. How admirable !! ^^
Here i get impression that if we are about to do something, then we must have done it in well-organized shape & our aim must be united, whether it would be successful or not. Plus, to respect each other is the very basis for acheiving our united goal.

Well, now I've attached some better photos here during my trip, and next time I will enclose some information on related subject here. Thank you for being with me. ^^